Giving up is not an option!

You got a really good idea. Convinced that she is finally the solution to your problem. Have already thought about how your innovation can be implemented and what the approximate costs are. You now approach your immediate supervisor with confidence to present your idea. There you bite on granite, though. You could bury your innovation now - but giving up is not an option.

These three steps will help you to launch your innovation despite resistance. 

Step 1: Put your idea on paper

"Make it a PowerPoint presentation." The classic phrase with the employee who wants to bring in new ideas is quickly fobbed off. Play along and put your idea on paper to create a framework for your innovation. It's not about a detailed elaboration, but about delivering something tangible. Compare costs, benefits and effort. Explain how you came up with this idea, what advantages it has for the company, what resources are needed and what your approximate budget is.

Step 2: Create an "Innovation Alliance" for yourself

If your concept paper is up, then you go "peddling" with it. Talk to your superiors. If you still fall on deaf ears here, then convince others of your innovation - the more the better. Think about where in the company you can still place your idea. Is there an innovation department or someone who is known for pushing new ideas? Contact the HR department or write a brand letter. You can publish this online or give it to the works council, which has a direct line to the top. Inspire colleagues from other departments - in marketing or sales - for your idea. The larger your "innovation alliance" is, the better the chances are of getting your idea off the ground.

Another effective means of driving innovation is a "elevator pitch«. Prepare your idea so that you can present it in the shortest possible time. When you meet a colleague or an executive at a coffee machine, every minute counts to get your idea out there.

Step 3: Stay tuned

The path of innovation is quite stony, because only a few companies want to change. Supervisors often don't like it when their own employees have good ideas; this is where the "ego" innovation prevention factor comes in. If you fail at the first hurdle, don't give up immediately. After all, you know best that your innovation is a real asset. Fight for your idea, get others excited about it, place it in the right places, think about creative ways to get your innovation rolling and stick to your innovation. Because only those who break new ground can develop further.

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